Thursday, November 15, 2007

Extended stay


Today I got the word from AJ that she could postpone my stay until the 29th, which is awesome. I need to check out my possibilities to travel inlands and get eaten by some underwhelming-looking predator or catch malaria. I'm pretty pleased with this development, since it means I get to witness Independence Day here in Paramaribo too boot.

Today I gave the trainees the whole day to do an assignment, though I warned them I'd expect them to finish sooner. Four out of fourteen pulled it off after six hours. Unfortunately I had to become a serious hard-ass with one of the less-motivated trainees and I am not exactly expecting a lot from this one. It's especially troubling because the potential is definitely there, but a lack of discipline, concentration and maybe even interest make it impossible to focus on the project at hand.

On one hand it is extremely frustrating to see someone fall behind like that. On the other hand it's been made perfectly clear that you can't keep dragging people over the finish line just because they won't run for themselves. It's a pretty unpleasant realization, but we have to remember that only half the crew will pass the whole ordeal…

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