Saturday, April 5, 2008

Back from CPX'08

Whew. Spent a week with 23 other male examples of the geeky persuasion in the middle of nowhere. It was pretty neat, even though I managed to complete none of the challenges I set out for myself and now possess the bioryhtim of a bat.

To outline what the typical day consisted of:
  • Wake up, shower with the listless enthusiasm of a fern and find my flip-flops so I can walk outside
  • Walk from one holiday bungalow to the other, enter a pit of smells with computers, musical instruments and a wild variety of electronic stuff.
  • Sit back in the sofas to watch a terrible movie, play Katamari and/or Rez.
  • Feel like breakfast, only to note that it is, in fact, 8:00 PM.
  • Thinking "Hmm, I really ought to finish that jQuery thing I was working on" while playing Katamari.
It was, in all, pretty much a week of doing nothing much but gain up on an enormeous amount of movies, tinkering with stuff I never have the time for and being able to sleep properly.

I found out that the house I was sleeping in actually had the kind of sauna that I tend to encounter in Finland, so I was pretty much happy to spend some time there. The others didn't really get the point and stuck to the ones they had -the steam bath variant (which is crap).

Now on to a new challenge: to get my sleeping patterns back into acceptable terms before monday.

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