Monday, December 3, 2007

First experiences in the land of eternal cold (no, not Finland)

Arrived in the Netherlands last Friday and did a Bubble Boy regime in my apartment in order to get used to the climate here. First day at the offices in Amsterdam, recouping stories and experiences with the colleagues here.

It's not just the cold. It's the dryness

'nuff said. The temperature got to me pretty damn good (my thermostat pulled a nice 28 °C and I still had to wear a sweater) but the real problem was the total lack of humidity of the atmosphere. This screwed me over more than anything.

Holland has the pussy version of rain

While a bunch of people at the tram stop scattered like cockroaches at the first sight of rain, I didn't really get the point. It remained a puny drizzle that Suriname puts to shame. Tropical rainstorms are the norm there.

The sky: gray. Also comes in gray and gray

I've been here a scant three days and this is the first day I got to see a hint of blue through the gray clouds. It's not even funny.

In all, not bad. But damn me if I don't want to go back as soon as possible.

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Blogger Unknown said...

Don't worry. Finland is dark right now. And November (and early December) are really quite crap, with loads of dreary sludge on the streets and the sky being mostly dark with rain, and not blue with sun. But we get sun more often than you. Just. Not for long periods of time.

Cuz we have that when you're visiting.

Remind people that that is needed next summer.

December 6, 2007 at 8:24 PM  

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