Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Kimchi in space

Huh. I didn't know South Korea had astronauts, but it would appear that Yi So-Yeon has gone up to the Soyuz space station, bringing some home cuisine along for the ride. Beats a tube of tuna paste :)

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Blogger Unknown said...

2 things:

1. Space Ramen.
I read this and immediately-

"Across the universe! On the starship enterprise, along with captain Kirk! Space Ramen, across the universe! Only going forward cuz we can't find reverse!"

I think they should sell it like that.

2. Sleeping will not be comfortable due to the unusual sleeping position and endless noise from machines, so Yi has received special sleeping training.

"For some reason the other people in training seemed to think it was something called a 'demoparty' and they used very loud speakers to say very silly things. Mostly in German."

April 10, 2008 at 7:46 PM  

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