Thursday, January 3, 2008

The world has gone nuts (foodwise)

Case in point: Guy described some new bread snack he had the misfortune to experience: bread molded in a plastic tray to look like a candy bar, laced with tomato and onion. I can't wait to hear how the board meeting for that nightmare product went.

Somewhat in queue with that, semi-prepared ingredients are getting really, really dumb. A single potato, pre-peeled and pre-sliced? No problem, unless you wish to avoid the fact that you're nuts for willingly purchasing said plastic bag of no effort whatsoever. Pre-sliced mushrooms are another sign of the apocalypse for me. Half the fun (well, for me, at least) of cooking is preparing the ingredients. If you cannot even be bothered to slice a mushroom, order a bloody pizza.

But the thing that really, really made my hairs stand up in the back of my neck was the conversation I overheard at the produce stand of the local supermarket:

Girl #1: "Wow, this is so convenient! (picking up sliced mushrooms)
Girl #2: "You mean the sliced stuff? Yeah, it is!"
Girl #1: "You know what would be awesome? If they did that with cucumbers too!"


Ladies and Gentlemen, the Horsemen are a-comin'...

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Blogger Unknown said...


when were you shopping for food in the states?

Please tell me you were not shopping in a non-States capacity and heard this.

Please say you dumbed it down for those of us who might read this who are in the States.

Please tell me they do not speak like Americans.

I'm really bad at not speaking like an American. I use 'like' and 'like, ya know' and 'like' and 'like ya know dude' and 'like' and 'awesome!' and 'the bomb' and 'like...' But seriously. Oh look another one. And I almost put 'anyway' in there.

um how does one speak normally I have forgotten, obviously I need to spend more time with Finnish.

January 23, 2008 at 2:43 PM  

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